Content Writer

What is content syndication?

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By Robin Donovan

Have you ever wondered how some bloggers manage to get their articles published in multiple places — from other people’s blogs to major publications like the New York Times or the Washington Post? The answer is a little thing called content syndication and it can seriously level up your domain authority and grow your audience. I’ve got all the details for you, including what content syndication is, the benefits you can reap from it, the basics of how it works, and how to get your content syndicated on top blogs and websites.

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Content syndication 101

Content syndication is essentially the practice of republishing your content on other websites to reach a broader audience. Imagine you’ve written a fantastic blog post about the latest trends in digital marketing. Instead of keeping it confined to your own website, you allow other reputable sites to share it. This way, your content gets more attention and engagement, gaining you more recognition. Cool, right?

Why bother with content syndication?

You might be thinking, “Why should I let other websites use the content I worked so hard to produce?” It’s a good question, and there’s an easy answer. The primary reason is to increase your reach, increase your EEAT and to get backlink exposure. When you syndicate your content, you tap into audiences you otherwise might not have access to. It’s like setting up multiple billboards in different parts of the city instead of just one in your backyard. You get to amplify your voice, drive more traffic back to your site, and enhance your brand’s visibility.

Moreover, content syndication can significantly improve your SEO. When high-quality websites link back to your original content, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable via your backlinks. This can boost your domain authority and search engine rankings, making it easier for people to find your site.

How does it work?

The process of content syndication is pretty straightforward. First, you create awesome content — which, let’s be honest, is the hardest part. Then, you find platforms that are willing to republish your content. This can be done through a partnership with using their content syndication network or even reaching out directly to websites or bloggers you admire. also offers you an opportunity to have your content syndicated to the Associated Press. That’s where the big DAs are. Imagine your articles getting published in the Washington Post or New York Times!

There are different levels of syndication, too. Sometimes, the syndicated content is republished in full, and sometimes, it’s just a snippet or summary that links back to the original piece. It’s all about what works best for you and your syndication partner.

The other side of content syndication: Content for your own blog

While the benefits of getting your content published on external platforms are significant, there’s another crucial aspect to consider: You can use content syndication to enrich your own blog. This strategy involves not just sending your content out into the world but also adding external content to your site to bolster its offerings. If you need content to boost your site’s usefulness, diversify the information you provide, or fill specific content gaps, this approach can be particularly advantageous.

Integrating syndicated content into your blog can help fill gaps in your content calendar without diluting your blog’s unique voice. It’s also an excellent way to offer your audience a broader perspective on topics you cover. For example, featuring guest posts or syndicated articles from experts in your field can provide your readers with fresh insights and enhance the overall credibility of your blog.

Moreover, this method opens up avenues for networking with other content creators. By syndicating someone else’s content, you give your audience something valuable and build relationships with other bloggers and publishers. These relationships are mutually beneficial: They can lead to more opportunities for your content to be syndicated on other sites, further increasing your reach and influence. This reciprocal nature of content syndication turns it into a community-building tool, fostering an ecosystem where creators support one another and grow together.

Syndicating content on your own website is also instant content that you can use on your social media platforms, in newsletters, and more.

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Associated Press (AP) is a 100-plus-year-old syndication company that works with major news outlets like the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Sun-Tribune, Mercury News, NBC, CBS, and many other major media outlets. To syndicate via Associated Press, you need to establish a contract with AP or work with an organization that has an existing contract with them. Since a contract with AP requires a sizeable year-long commitment, it’s not feasible for individual bloggers to do on their own, which is why programs like Food Drink Life’s AP program, are so important.

Other possibilities include joining groups of other content creators who share articles for syndication. For example, Food Drink Life has a content syndication program wherein bloggers can purchase a monthly subscription that gives them access to a substantial library of content from other blogger members that is available for syndication. And they can also contribute their articles to be syndicated by other members.

The benefits: More than just traffic

Aside from driving traffic and boosting SEO, content syndication offers several other perks. For one, it helps establish you as an authority in your field. When your content appears on respected platforms, it builds your credibility. People start to recognize your name and associate you with high-quality, insightful information.

Because you embed each piece of syndicated content with links back to your website, you will also build your backlink profile and boost your domain authority. And we know this can contribute to your ability to rank your content in popular search engines like Google.

Additionally, syndication can lead to more engagement. As your content reaches new audiences, it opens up opportunities for comments, shares, and discussions. This interaction is invaluable because it can provide feedback, spark new ideas, and even lead to collaborations.

Potential pitfalls and how to avoid them

Of course, content syndication isn’t without its challenges. One common concern is duplicate content. You might be concerned that if the same piece of content appears in multiple places, it could confuse search engines and negatively impact your SEO. But this problem is easy to avoid. To correctly syndicate content, you want to ensure that the syndicated version of your article includes a canonical link back to the original piece. This link tells search engines that while this is duplicate content, your site is the primary source.

You may also be concerned about losing control over your content. The truth is that once your content is out there, you can’t necessarily control how it’s presented. The content itself can be edited, expanded, or abbreviated. The syndicating publication might even remove your byline or replace it with something like “Staff Writer” or even another writer’s name. 

In some cases, you may be able to establish clear guidelines on how your content should be used. In other cases, such as in publishing through major outlets like Associated Press, you will need to accept that to reap the benefits of this type of exposure, you have to let go of some of that control.

A few tips for successful syndication

Ready to get the most out of your content syndication efforts? Here are a few key tips to ensure your syndicated content shines and drives the results you’re looking for.

Photo credit: Freepik.

Choose the right partners

Not all websites are created equal. Aim to syndicate your content on high-authority, relevant sites that align with your brand’s values and audience.

Create great content

Content that stays relevant over time (evergreen content) is more suitable for syndication because it can attract readers long after it’s been published. On the other hand, content that focuses on current trends is attractive to large publications that have to engage with their audiences day after day. Whether you choose to write on evergreen topics or capitalize on hot trends, make sure your content is top-notch. Do your research, hone your writing skills, and engage an editor to ensure that your content is easy to read and error-free.

Track your performance

Use analytics to track how your syndicated content is performing. Keep an eye on referral traffic, engagement metrics, and conversions to understand what’s working.

Optimize for syndication

You want to make your content as appealing as possible to your syndication partners. Choose topics that are intriguing or useful to a wide range of people. Every article should have a “hook” that will draw readers in and a body that delivers on the hook’s promise. Always make sure you have a killer headline that will grab the attention of not just any reader, but your target audience.

A quick recap

To sum it all up, content syndication is a powerful strategy to expand your reach, enhance your SEO, build your content platform, and enhance your authority. By republishing your content on reputable third-party sites, you can tap into new audiences, drive more traffic to your site, and gain valuable exposure. Likewise, publishing other people’s content on your website can fill content and build credibility.

So next time you see that fantastic article from your favorite blog popping up on different websites, you’ll know the magic behind it — content syndication. It’s a win-win for content creators and publishers alike, making the vast ocean of the internet just a little bit smaller and more connected.

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