Terms of Service

Welcome to Brilliant Bloggers. By subscribing to our membership program, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

This program is open to all bloggers with active websites. VAs are allowed to join, provided they can establish they are working with a current blogger member.

Membership Levels and Benefits

There are two levels of paid membership: Essential and Elite. Below are the benefits you’ll receive with each of these memberships.

Essential Member Benefits

Paid members at the Essential level receive:

  • A copy of the Brilliant Bloggers Handbook
  • Access to all current Brilliant Bloggers Slack channels
  • Access to Food, Lifestyle, and Travel Backlink Share Sheets
  • Slack access for one Virtual Assistant

Elite Member Benefits

Elite Members receive all Essential Member benefits PLUS:

  • 20% discount on an annual Content Library Membership (get it over at Food Drink Life and use coupon code: FDLCL20)
  • An invitation to participate in monthly mastermind meetings
  • Access to our comprehensive video library of webinars (including all past and future webinars)
  • Exclusive invitations to future webinars
  • 1 free Ebook published each quarter, starting with “How to Hire a $2 per hour VA”
  • ClickUp blog management template (for annual members only)
  • Access to the Elite Members-only Multiniche Backlink Share Sheet
  • Admission to a private Elite Members Chat Slack channel

Subscription Payment and Cancellation

Memberships are charged on a recurring basis according to the chosen subscription period.

You may cancel your subscription at any time. Upon cancellation, you will retain access to the paid features until your current billing cycle ends.

Following the end of the paid period, your membership will be downgraded to the free tier and access to Slack channels restricted to paid members will be revoked.

Rules of Participation

When participating in Slack channels, you are responsible for reviewing the rules pinned to the top of each channel and following them.

Violating the rules may result in immediate termination of your membership.

The rules are subject to change, and members are responsible for reviewing and complying with the updated rules as they are modified.

Prohibited Activities

As part of our commitment to creating a supportive and distraction-free environment for all members, Brilliant Bloggers strictly prohibits the sale or promotion of services or products by members to other members within the platform, with the exception of the designated #marketplace Slack channel. This policy includes, but is not limited to, unsolicited promotions or sales pitches in Slack channels (other than #marketplace) and through direct messaging on our platform. While the #marketplace channel allows for the sharing of services or products, the Brilliant Bloggers admin team reserves the right to remove any advertising or promotion posts that are deemed spammy, inappropriate, or not in the best interest of the community. Our community is designed to foster collaboration and learning, not commercial transactions or personal business gains outside designated areas. Members found engaging in prohibited promotional activities outside the #marketplace channel may face immediate suspension or termination of their membership without refund. We encourage members to focus on sharing knowledge and experiences that benefit the entire community, while utilizing the #marketplace channel responsibly for promotions.

Additionally, to protect the confidentiality and integrity of our community, members are strictly prohibited from sharing any content from our private Slack workspace. This includes, but is not limited to, taking and distributing screenshots, copying and pasting text, or sharing any other form of information from our Slack channels or direct messages without explicit permission from the original author and the Brilliant Bloggers admin team. Violation of this confidentiality policy may result in immediate suspension or termination of membership without refund. Our goal is to ensure that all members feel safe and confident that their shared experiences and insights remain within the confines of our trusted community.

Limitation of Liability

Brilliant Bloggers is not responsible for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of our services.

Modifications to Terms

Brilliant Bloggers reserves the right, at our discretion, to change these terms at any time. Changes will be posted on the community platform and are effective immediately unless otherwise stated.

Brilliant Bloggers administration reserves the right to remove members at their own discretion.

By subscribing to Brilliant Bloggers, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service.

Last Updated: May 24, 2024