Blogging doesn’t have to be lonely

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By Shelby Stover

Don’t get stuck in your own head as a blogger. Instead, use these strategies to connect with others, share your wins and struggles and foster relationships to take your career further.

Photo credit: Depositphotos.

Blogging can be done anywhere, so there’s no real reason to meet up with other people physically. This can make blogging seem very lonely, especially during times of change and stress.

However, just because most of your day-to-day activities are solo doesn’t mean you have to disconnect fully from others. Instead, learn how to develop new relationships within the blogging world and take pride in having a group of like-minded individuals to support and lift you up when you need it. 

Seek out like-minded individuals to team up or collaborate with. Having a group of people around you in your blogging journey can:

  • Help you scale up your blog
  • Make you feel like part of a team
  • Ease mental anxiety
  • Allow you to be more productive

How to make social connections

Below are the best ways to connect with other bloggers from both a social and business perspective. Implement just one or all of these strategies and watch your blog and mental energy take off.

Join a community

Though there are many Facebook groups out there dedicated to helping bloggers with specific site issues, there are also a lot of communities to provide resources and support. Communities like Brilliant Bloggers which operate on a Slack channel are great ways to make connections, as everyone is working in a similar way. 

Regardless of whether you are learning to start an amateur blog or are a seasoned pro, these communities are safe spaces to ask questions and get help, as well as celebrate the successes and commiserate about the annoyances of day-to-day blogging. Though you may not see the people on the other side of the screen physically, you get to know one another within the group the more you participate.

Find a community that both helps you scale your blog up and supports you as a person. Be active within the groups, and you’ll make friends naturally if you continue to show up consistently.

“It’s incredibly helpful to have others who understand blogging to bounce ideas off of, to commiserate with when traffic drops or tech issues pop up, and to share ideas and tips with. I wouldn’t still be blogging today — nor would my blog be what it is today — without fellow bloggers.” 

— Anne Mauney, blogging since 2009 at fANNEtastic food

Have scheduled work sessions

Once you find a group of bloggers to chat with, bring up the idea of having scheduled work sessions. These can be done over Zoom easily enough and consist of everyone going about their to-do list for the day, but over video, where you can still have that office chatter back and forth.

These work sessions succeed the most when the bloggers are all working on similar projects whether that be writing a specific group of blog posts, creating Canva images, newsletters, etc. You can bounce ideas off each other and ask for help if you need it.

Working sessions are wonderful from a social aspect but they’re also a great way to keep you consistent as a blogger. Having to show up because others are waiting for you can be a great motivator.

Meet up locally

Every so often, in-person meet-ups are possible either at a conference or just from friends connecting in a blogging group. If you have the opportunity to do so, try meeting up in person to grab a smoothie and further relationships. If that isn’t your thing, you can attend annual conferences like the Tastemaker Conference to meet and connect with other bloggers.

Join a mastermind

Masterminds are a great way to connect with other bloggers on your level to either create consistency, learn from or bounce ideas off of.

Masterminds like Brilliant Bloggers, offer multiple tiered memberships. This is a great way to connect with other high-level and multi-blog bloggers to share what’s working, what’s not, and get advice.

Wrap up

Blogging doesn’t have to be a lonely, solo career. With so many people in the same position as you, it’s easy to find common ground to build new relationships. These relationships and groups not only help save your sanity on the lonely days but they’re also a wonderful way to take your blog to the next level.

Meet Shelby a Strength & Nutrition Coach and the person behind the blog Fit as a Mama Bear. As a mom of three young girls and coach for the past ten years, Shelby helps make healthy food and strength training at home easy for busy moms. Her ultimate goal is to help moms increase energy, keep up with their kids and feel confident in the skin they’re in.

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